April 13, 2012

Our Dessert Marathon

We're back in California and we have so much New York food to share with you guys!!  Probably the next few week's posts will all be New York restaurants and eateries.  Oh our goodness, looking back at these photos just makes us want to hop on the next plane to New York RIGHT NOW.  New York was so awesome and delicious.

Collectively, the two of us gained 8 pounds in New York.  NOT BAD, RIGHT?  :)

We were very surprised too!  Guess it was all that walking in the city.  Now we know why New Yorkers are so fit!



This was actually the same night as our last post about Eataly's pizzas.  We were on our way out, our tummies stuffed with two pizzas but then we passed their display of desserts.  And then just like that, we had more room in our stomachs!  Funny how the world works.

The desserts all looked so pretty and yummy we wanted to try ALL of them.  But of course, the world doesn't work like that so we were forced to choose only a few.  It was so heartbreaking! :(

Panna Cotta Alla Vaniglia
Panna Cotta Alla Vaniglia salted caramel topped with vanilla panna cotta and streusel pieces

Our first choice was pretty good.  WE LIKE TAKING SHOTS (referencing to the soup shots we took at Jean Georges, not actual alcohol for we are underage and good girls).  The vanilla panna cotta was kind of just like vanilla pudding, which was one expensive pudding ($3.80).  But we enjoyed it nonetheless!

Semifreddo sponge cake topped with cassis and vanilla chantilly cream mousse and finished off with fresh berries

Semifreddo innards
Semifreddo innards

The Semifreddo was the perfect dessert to have right after the Panna Cotta Alla Vaniglia.  Pretty much anything sour or fruity cleans your palate, which is very refreshing.

Mandorla Tostata
Mandorla Tostata  sponge cake topped with toasted almond mousse filled with rich liquid chocolate

This could possibly be THE BEST THING we had in our whole stay in New York!  The mousse on the outside was so light and fluffy, it was like eating a cloud (although we have yet to eat a cloud).  And then we cut it open to take a photo and our goodness!  We were unprepared for the beauty inside.

Ok, drumroll please!











Mandorla Tostata innards
Mandorla Tostata innards

Just look at that oozing, pouring, rich chocolate!  It's like lava erupting from a yummy volcano!  It could even be the Eighth Wonder of the World.  The thick chocolate perfectly complemented the fluffy mousse making it the most satisfying dessert anyone could ever have..mmm....

And then, as we were on our way out (again), we passed by the gelato station.  And look at that!  We had more room in our stomachs again!  Our stomachs are just so amazing!  And we're just so out of control.



Pera Vaniglia (Pear & Vanilla), Lampone (Raspberry), Limone (Lemon) Sorbetto Gelato
Pera Vaniglia (Pear &Vanilla), Lampone (Raspberry), Limone (Lemon) Sorbetto Gelato

All of their gelato was delicious but especially the Pera Vaniglia sorbet.  It was fragrant and tasted like fresh pears!

Stracciatella Banana (Chocolate Chips & Banana), Pistachio, Pera Vaniglia (Pear & Vanilla) Gelato
Stracciatella Banana (Chocolate Chips & Banana), Pistachio, Pera Vaniglia (Pear & Vanilla) Gelato

We probably ate a week's worth of calories within three hours at Eataly.  But we couldn't help it!  Eataly is such a trap!  There were food stations and restaurants everywhere you turned and they all called to you.  

And we found our calling. :)

Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.

200 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10010

1 comment:

  1. The chocolate filling inside the mousse looks delish! :P
