April 16, 2012

Crumbs Cupcakes

Crumbs Cupcakes - New York

Crumbs Cupcakes - New York 2

We finally made our way to Brooklyn the next day and came across Crumbs Bake Shop.  And well, just look at these pretty cupcakes!  How could we have possibly passed up this opportunity?

Display of cupcakes

Display of cupcakes


Irish Creme Cupcake
Irish Creme vanilla cake soaked in coffee filled with vanilla buttercream and topped with Irish Cream cheese frosting and chocolate sprinkles

Irish Creme Cupcake innards
Irish Creme innards


Dulce de Leche Cupcake - Crumbs Cupcakes - New York
Dulce de Leche chocolate cake filled and topped with caramel cream cheese frosting drizzled with caramel and chocolate

Dulce de Leche innards - Crumbs Cupcakes - New York
Dulce de Leche innards


Apple Cobbler Cupcake - Crumbs Cupcakes - New York
Apple Cobbler apple cinnamon cake with apple preserves filling topped with vanilla cream cheese frosting and covered in streusel crumbs

Apple Cobbler Cupcake
Apple Cobbler innards

:DDDDD (double chin, we are gaining a double chin)

We didn't really know what to say about these cupcakes so we made some faces for your guys' enjoyment.:)

Okay, the cupcakes weren't bad...but we just couldn't fully appreciate them because they were quite quite sweet.  And that's coming from the two of us, who have sweet teeth (haha).  Most of the Crumbs cupcakes had filling which made them fun to eat and the cake part was quite moist!  In fact, now that we think back, the cupcakes were quite delicious except we ordered too much for us to handle.

So, we recommend that if you want to fully enjoy and love Crumbs cupcakes, don't get three cupcakes like us unless you have 5+ people. 

Giant Red Velvet Cupcake

OH OUR GOODNESS!  They were selling this HUGE cupcake and it was the size of a normal sized cake.  Imagine having that as your birthday cupcake!  That would be pretty amazing haha

Brooklyn Bridge, New York

Before leaving Brooklyn, we we able to snap some photos of the lovely Brooklyn Bridge.  And wow, it was beautiful.  We sat there for as a long as our cold bodies could handle.

Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.

Crumbs Bake Shop
109 Montague Street
Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201

Crumbs Bake Shop on Urbanspoon



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