September 8, 2012

Bouchon Bakery Chapter II

Passion Fruit & Pistachio French Macarons - Bouchon Bakery

Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York

This Bouchon Bakery was splat in the heart of the Rocketfeller Center, right across from the outdoor ice rink. 

It was super busy, you could see the building was literally packed!  

Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York 2

Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York 3

Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York 4

Pastries - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York

Jocelyn had a dream about wiping the table with a yellow macaron a few months back.  She was craving french macarons for so many months, she started having psycho macaron dreams

So when she saw these....

Passion Fruit French Macarons  - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York
Passionfruit French Macaron

Her eyes blew up...with joy of course!  And these macarons are larger than usual, like the size of your palm.  MMmmm!

Cakes - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York

Passion Fruit & Pistachio French Macarons - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York
Passionfruit and Pistachio French Macarons

Passion Fruit French Macaron innards - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York
Passion Fruit aka. The Yellow Macaron in Jocelyn's Dream innards

The flavor: excellent!  Passion fruit tasted like...passion fruit!The texture though was inconsistent.  Parts were soft with the perfect crispy outer shell but some other parts were hard.

We also picked up a few of Bouchon's chocolates on the way out.  They looked like obese Yorks haha

Fuggedaboutit - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York

The Fuggedaboutit had layers of peanut butter, caramel, rice krispies, covered in milk chocolate and sprinkled with a dash of sea salt.  It was pretty good but it wasn't anything special (except for the name, which, we must admit, was pretty nifty).  It was like a candy bar you could get at your local supermarket.

Fuggedaboutit innards - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center - New York
Fuggedaboutit innards

Peppermint Paddy - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center- New York
Peppermint Patty

Peppermint Paddy innards - Bouchon Bakery - Rocketfeller Center- New York
Peppermint Patty innards

The peppermint patty was like a York, but on a sugar rush!  Cathy couldn't finish hers.
"It's too sweet!" she said.
And then Goldilocks Jocelyn came through the door and said, "I'll finish it for you!"

The End.

Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.

Bouchon Bakery
1 Rockefeller Plaza
Manhattan, NY

Bouchon Bakery on Urbanspoon


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