April 1, 2012

Lunch at Jean Georges

Ah, New York! We're nearing our last days here, and we wish that final day will never come.  We wouldn't mind living this past week over again.  You know why?   Because New York has THE BEST FOOD!

We've actually eaten at about 30 eateries/restaurants (yeah we're quite the pigs, but accomplished pigs!).  And sadly...this is only our fourth post in New York.  We admit it, we've been a bit lazy.  As much as we love our blog, we love NY more.  Just a tad more.  So prepare for a storm of NY food posts these coming weeks when get back to California!!

Jean Georges Exterior
Jean Georges exterior

Jean Georges Exterior

When we were at Jean Georges, we ate from their Tastes of Spring menu.  If you were to scan the menu, you would find that a lot of the dishes have this grassy/green element to them.  And it's not like the menu had bushes and flowers but many of the dishes featured herbs, vegetables, and fresh meat or seafood. 

For their quality and taste, Jean Georges is definitely worth the money!  For lunch, you can choose any two dishes for $38.  And that includes a complimentary starter dish and desserts!

Butter and Sea Salt at Jean Georges New York
Butter and sea salt for the bread

Oh our goodness, this is the best butter!  This was actually the first time either of us had our buttered breads with sea salt and it was amazing.  The butter was so soft that it spread easily on the bread.  

Usually when you spread butter, you're digging your knife into the bread because the butter is all clumpy and hard.  There have been a couple times we made holes in the bread...but no battle wounds here!

Starter dish at Jean Georges New York
Starter dish

Starter dish at Jean Georges New York 2

The starter dish wasn't on the menu, so we're not exactly sure the names of each item.  But we can tell you that they were all equally taste-bud-tantalizing!

One of the items was a sort of sashimi topped with a mandarin sauce.  

The next one was a white creamy soup topped with crisped rice.  We were shocked it came in a tiny shot glass.  We're more used to drinking soup from a bowl, with a spoon.  The waiter told us the soup was best taken in one gulp.  So the two of us clinked our glasses and took our soup shots like grown hairy men.  HECK YEAH!

The last was, uh...a mushroom.  We really can't remember what this one was!

Peekytoe Crab Dumplings with Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea at Jean Georges New York
Peekytoe Crab Dumplings with Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea

Peekytoe Crab Dumplings with Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea at Jean Georges New York 2

The dumplings were quite pretty.  When the dish was placed on the table, it was just the lone dumplings.  The waiter then poured the Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea.  Jocelyn thought the tea smelled like instant ramen broth, not to mention, looked like it too.  It tasted delicious though!  Cathy could even taste a hint of lemon in the soup/sauce.

Peekytoe Crab Dumpling Innards with Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea at Jean Georges New York
Peekytoe Crab Dumplings with Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea innards

The crab gave the dumplings a pleasantly interesting texture.  It also made a good sponge!  The crab soaked up the lemon tea soup/broth quite well which made it SUPER JUICY.

Scallop Sashimi, Chipotle Mayo, Crispy Rice at Jean Georges New York
Scallop Sashimi, Chipotle Mayo, Crispy Rice

The first few dishes were so good!  They had unique tastes ranging from sour (Scallop Shashimi) to tangy (Celeriac-Meyer Lemon Tea soup/sauce) to salty (the creamy soup).

So when this dish came out...

Parmesan Crusted Confit Leg of Chicken, Artichoke, Basil, and Lemon Butter at Jean Georges New York
Parmesan Crusted Confit Leg of Chicken, Artichoke, Basil, and Lemon Butter

Parmesan Crusted Confit Leg of Chicken, Artichoke, Basil, and Lemon Butter at Jean Georges New York 2

It looks delicious, right?  But we think the Parmesan crust kind of ruined the dish.  Parmesan is very common and it has a strong taste that overwhelms the other flavors.  What we mean is, we think we had something like this at Olive Garden (of course, not as good). 

Or maybe it's just that compared to the previous dishes that were all BAM! and BOOM!, this dish was like oh...

Scottish Salmon with Black Truffle Crumbs, Smooth and Crispy Parsnips served with Lemon Butter at Jean Georges New York
Scottish Salmon with Black Truffle Crumbs, Smooth and Crispy Parsnips served with Lemon Butter

The salmon was, well, a salmon.  But a fresh one!  What saved the dish was the lemon butter.  It added a tangy flare to the salty-ish black truffle crust.

Marshmallow at Jean Georges New York
Jar filled with Vanilla Marshmallow

Mini Marshmallows at Jean Georges New York
Vanilla Marshmallow

After we finished the main course, the waiter wheeled in a jar filled with ropes of vanilla marshmallows!  They took out a rope and cut the marshmallow into cute fluffy squares.  We thought it was pretty cool.

Chocolates at Jean Georges New York
Chocolate Platter

The chocolates were fantastic!  Although we can't remember the flavors because the two of us were sharing the chocolates (and they're quite quite small.  Don't think they're made for sharing).  

One bite for Jocelyn and one bite for Cathy.  

There wasn't a lot of substance to really get to know the chocolates.  Although one stood out: the peanut butter & jelly chocolate.  It was such a fun flavor!

Mini Vanilla French Macarons at Jean Georges New York
Mini Vanilla French Macarons

The mini macarons were a perfect way to end off the good meal.

They were so cute!

Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.

Jean Georges
1 Central Park W
New York, NY 10023
(212) 299-3900

Jean-Georges on Urbanspoon



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