April 3, 2012

More & more sweets! Bouchon Bakery in Time Warner Center

Time Warner Center New York

Naked Woman Statue at Time Warner Center New York
Fat Lady Statue

Beautiful artwork right at the entrance of the Time Warner Center.

The two of us might end up looking like her real soon, if we keep eating as much as we are (but that would make us just as beautiful, right?)

Time Warner Center New York
A view of Columbus Circle from inside Time Warner Center

Bouchon Bakery

Mont Blanc
Mont Blanc chestnut purée on top of a cookie crust

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc innards
A bite out of the Mont Blanc

The chestnut flavor was almost the same as the filling in the La Maison du Chocolat Éclair Marron
we had the other day.  Taro love!

Cherry Pistachio Tart
Cherry Pistachio Tart

Cherry Pistachio Tart

Cherry Pistachio Tart innards
Cherry Pistachio Tart innards

The photos pretty much speak for themselves!  Sexy-looking pastries and tasty treats.  We can't believe tomorrow is our last day here in New York and we still have so much to eat (and do)!

So we're going to abruptly end this post here.

Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.

Bouchon Bakery
10 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
(212) 823-9366

Bouchon Bakery on Urbanspoon


  1. the photos DO speak for themselves, you guys always eat the best food! they look to die for.. another great post :)

  2. Great photos and the food must be great. Your blog looks great also. Can you take a look at mine beercanbbq.com i started it in March of this year THANK YOU
