Remember the sea salt and butter we had at Jean Georges? IT WAS THE BOMB.
And we found another bomb here at Gramercy Tavern. Honestly, this butter is the best. We gotta find out if we could buy it at our supermarket. That way we could stuff our faces with butter everyday. MMM!
Graprefruit Amberjack served with a citrus salad of blood red oranges, grapefruit, olives, and capers |
The Grapefruit Amberjack was the special that day. The way the waitress described it sounded so yummy, we both ordered the dish. That's why there are two photos! They look similar, but if you look closely, you can tell that the amberjack in the second photo is boxier in shape, the greens are organized in a different fashion and hahaha
We both agreed that this dish was one of the best meals we had in New York. The citrus salad was quite amazing. The tanginess went well with the amberjack and pretty much by itself as well. We licked our plates clean 

Look! We ordered a brown egg for dessert!
Hard-boiled hehehe

No but really, doesn't the scoop of ice cream look like an egg. At first, the two of us were like "uh...think you gave us an egg..." When we were told it was coffee ice cream, it blew our minds.
First off, the scoop's not round!
Second, why is it so freaking small? It's half the size of a single scoop at Baskin Robbins. But we forgive them because it was so much better than Baskin Robbins.
Although the ice cream was better than the cake. The cake was alright and typical, not even sure what else to say about it. Just imagine a Macadamia and Coconut Brown Butter Cake and that's pretty much what it tastes like.
Look! We ordered a red egg for dessert!

But man, this sorbet was SO GOOD. It black currant flavor EXPLODED in your mouth. It's really too bad the scoop was so small...
And the two of us had to share it....

The cheesecake was also fantastic. It was rich but not too heavy and had a light, sweet flavor to it which paired nicely with the sour sorbet.
Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.
Gramercy Tavern
42 E 20th St
New York, NY 10003
New York, NY 10003
(212) 477-0777