October 28, 2012

New York snacking

Like we said before, New York is all about walking and we couldn't walk two minutes without seeing another eatery.  AND THEY WERE ALL CALLING OUT TO US!  It was so hard to keep the cash in our wallets...but there is no price on love...for food (harhar).  But there were some places we just had to try.  We have no idea how native New Yorkers don't eat all 24 hours of the day.

Pommes Frites

First stop, Pommes Frites for them yummy Belgian fries!

Frying the french fries

Their fries were cut to the perfect thickness and deep-fried to a golden brown.  They tasted fresh and crispy!  We could actually watch them fry their fries by the trays right behind the counter.  Love watching our food being made.

All the different sauces!
 The guy in the blue smiling at you is not one of the sauces.

Oh ho ho just look at how many different sauces they have!  They range from mango chutney to black truffle, pretty amazing.  Anything you're in the mood for, they got it.  We had a difficult time choosing out our sauces from the expansive menu of sauces!  The employees were really friendly and they welcomed us to try as many sauces as we wanted.

French fries and their dipping companions

We ended up ordering a large fries and for sauces: wasabi mayo, black truffle, and their classic frite sauce (free!). 


The wasabi mayo was super wasabi and delicious!  The black truffle had little bits of truffle, but very little.  It had a more creamy mayo taste.  The frite sauce was thick and had a subtle sweetness to it.

NYC Hot Sauces

They had this Fiery NYC hot sauce on every table so we decided give it try and OMG! SO SPICY!  It just filled every corner of our mouths with a (fiery) burn.  And funny story, we didn't have any water on us.  We were tempted to drink our mayo sauces.

And next stop, Kyochon Chicken!



Kyochon was two stories with an awesome spiral staircase.  Reminded us of Disney Princesses

Kyochon Chicken

Kyochon is not sit-down but more like cafeteria/to-go style.  They gave our drumsticks in a nice little box and we brought it up the spiral staircase to eat like Disney Princesses.

Original drumsticks

We got the original drumsticks and they were fantastic!  Crispy on the outside and juicy and tender on the inside.  It's also kind of sweet on the outside like they brushed it with honey.

Large drumstick


Sauces galore!  We just had so much freedom with sauces that day!  Kyochon also has a handful of sauces you dip your chicken in and they're all free!

Final stop, dessert at Jane's Sweet Buns.  We just found out this place closed down a while ago but we still wanted to share their fab alcoholic desserts with you guys!

Alcohol Buns!

Jane's Sweet Buns


The inside of Jane's Sweet Buns was so cute!  Yellow strawberry striped walls, pink counters with checkered tops, and painting of pastries.  We felt so happy and giddy walking in!

Deer Bun

The deer is so adorable and the bun looked so yummy.  Would have bought this painting in a blink if they were selling it.


Alcohol for the fun

Most of their pastries are made with alcohol.  Jocelyn loves alcohol in desserts so she was ecstatic when she walked in and saw the line of bottles next to the dessert displays. 

Strawberry Champagne Cupcake
Strawberry champagne cupcake

Never had a cupcake like this!  The cupcake was the perfect sweetness and had a soft cake-y texture.  But it was the icing that made the cupcake.  It tasted like sweet champagne right on top of the cupcake!  We just wanted to lick it all off.

The pastries are baked fresh in the morning but we got there at around 10 at night.  They offered to warm up the pastries which was super kind of them! 

Strawberry Champagne Cupcake innards
Strawberry champagne cupcake innards

Bourbon Pecan Bun
Bourbon pecan bun

The Bourbon was not as strong as the champagne in the cupcake.  It was great but slightly tasted like a maple glazed pecan bun.

The Frenchi
The Frenchie brioche, cinnamon, sugar

We're actually quite sad about this place closing down...it's weird to post about something that's no longer there.  But that Strawberry champagne cupcake was the best cupcake we ever had and deserves to have its mark on the internet!

Pommes Frites
123 2nd Avenue  
New York, NY 10003

Kyochon Chicken 
319 5th Avenue  
New York, NY 10016

Jane's Sweet Buns (closed)


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