May 2, 2012

Lady M Cake Boutique


Lady M

Hands down, the best cakes are at Lady M.  Every day while we were in New York, we kept making plans to come back, but there was too much to do!   One time is just not enough for us.

Checkered Cake
Checkers Cake chocolate and vanilla sponge cake

Wanna play checkers with us?    But we'll eat the board before you could finish setting up HAHAHA  

The cake was good, not too sweet which is important.  The texture of the cake was spongy which contrasted nicely with the smooth chocolate ganache on top.

Mille Feuille Crepe Cake
Mille Crêpes Cake

Mille Feuille Crepe Cake

This cake was amazing.  It had more than 20 layers of thin handmade crepes with light pastry cream in between.  And ALL HANDMADE!  Imagine how much hard work and love was put into this slice of cake!  And honestly, we tasted the love!  It was DELICIOUS.  We both agree that this is probably the best cake either of us have ever had.  It's light and fluffy and the texture, due to the 20 layers, is super fun to eat!  

We really regret not going out of our way to come back for another slice!!  Now that we're back in California, we looked up if they could ship the Mille Crêpes Cake across the country to us.  And, haha, they actually can!  Except shipping costs more than half the price of the cake itself.  Which means that the cake would cost us over $100, which is psycho.

Bite of Mille Feuille Crepe Cake

Free Toaster!

And on our way out, we discovered a free toaster.  WOOHOO!  We would have taken it if we had extra room in our luggage.  Can't go wrong with too many toasters in your house.  We mean, what if you wanted to toast 20 pieces of bread at one time?  Then you could make your own Mille Toast Cake

It works! :)
"WORKS! :)"

Eaten by Jocelyn and Cathy.

Lady M Cake Boutique
41 E 78th St
New York, NY 10021
(212) 452-2222 

Lady M Cake Boutique on Urbanspoon


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