February 29, 2012


Izumiya's entrance

Isn't the entrance so pretty?  Everyone passing by Izumiya was gawking and taking tourist-y pictures in front.  Including me.  Except I also went in to try the food! 

Hey Jocelyn, are those Christmas decorations and is that Frosty the Snowman riding the first cart that train?  Ok, I'll admit it.  I kind of forgot that to write about Izumiya a couple of months back...and I just recently stumbled upon the pictures...haha.

Izumiya a small little restaurant in the corner of Japantown.  And my goodness, this place just never stops surprising me!  After being seated, I opened the menu and smiled big.  All the pictures in their menu are hand drawn!  So adorable!  It took me twice as long to decide what to order because I kept getting distracted by all the pictures.  

Oh, what is this?  An omelet?

It's an Omelet Mixed Soba!

The Omelet Mixed Soba was wonderful!  The soba was wrapped in egg and topped with mayo and ketchup.  It was really fun eating it!  Every time I poked into the omelet, the soba just poured out!

Curry Katsu

Side Salad with Izumiya Miso Dressing

The miso dressing is amazing.  The salad was just a side but it might just have been the best part of dinner!  Izumiya actually sells their miso dressing in bottles and I was seriously contemplating on whether I should purchase one.  I ended up not but deeply regretted it that next week when I had to eat my salad with ranch dressing.

Eaten by Jocelyn.

1581 Webster St
Ste 290

San Francisco, CA 94115
(415) 441-6867

Izumiya on Urbanspoon


  1. the miso salad sounds amazing, i've always wanted to try one!

  2. thats like my fairytale house! i wanna live their and feed my kids there! after that, i want those kids to feed their kids there. but only christmas!

  3. My mom got hives from this place. :D
