December 24, 2011

Cathy's Mostly Home-Cooked Holiday Dinner


Unlike Jocelyn, I didn't have much responsibility in prepping for our holiday dinner.  It was mostly home cooked by my mom.  We also bought beef flanks and BBQ pork from outside and my grandma brought some shrimp over.

Beef Flanks plate 1

Beef Flanks plate 2

My parents went kinda crazy and bought 2 plates of beef flanks.  We couldn't even finish 1 plate with 6 people, so uhh... we'll be eating lots of beef in the upcoming weeks.

We bought the beef from Cozy Cafe.  They have really good beef!   I guess the flavor of beef flanks are generally pretty similar, but the texture of these were perfect!  They were such an easy chew for the teeth.  They kind of just melt in your mouth, so you won't have to put up a fight with these, and also, they don't get stuck in your teeth!  I also love how they have ginger and cilantro to go it.  One of these plates happened to be in front of me, so I ate a good amount of cow this meal.

BBQ Pork

We got the BBQ Pork from Sam Woo(?). The quality of the meat will vary, since you choose your own pork, and every pork is different!  This time, we chose a pretty good pork, although it was a bit on the fatty side.  But still, good flavor, and nice texture that again, won't get stuck in your teeth. 

Now onto the home made food...

Sticky Rice

It's actually really easy to make, using a rice cooker!   You can add in whatever you want, but we kept it simple, since we didn't have much in our fridge.  We just added shrimp, mushroom, and pork to our glutinous rice, put it all into the rice cooker, and pushed the magic "start" button!  (Our rice cooker has a setting for sticky rice.)  It could have had more flavor, but since we were eating it with everything else, it was nice to have something on the bland side to balance out.

Bok Choy

You can't really go wrong with home-cooked veggies, and it was a nice way to balance out the meat.


They were pretty good, but they were still wearing their shells!  Being the lazy person that I am, I didn't want to strip the shrimp, so I just ate one.  It was good, but it wasn't worth the effort to peel it. 

We also had soup (SO MANY FISHCAKES AND FISHBALLS...oh the memories...) and dessert (red bean/purple rice soup), not pictured here.  They were in pots in the kitchen, so I forgot to take pictures of them.  But don't worry.  There were plenty of leftovers, so I will be eating them many times in the near future.

                 Our Drinks               

Left:  Me...........Sparkling Apple Cider
Right:  Everyone else..........Red Wine

I thought this was pretty funny.

(mostly) Made and eaten by Cathy. 


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